Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Truth About MY Birthday....

It's my birthday week! I can't believe I'm going to be twenty-years-old on Sunday! I can honestly say I would have never thought about this day being so soon when I was younger. Now I'm out of school and 20! With all the bad and confusing stuff that's been going on lately I'm really looking forward to my birthday as a escape. 

It's been scary journey to leave a place in life I've been stuck in for the past fourteen years. This whole time out I've felt like I have no purpose what so ever and it can be intimidating. All of my friends are out making new friends and studying hard while I'm sitting at home waiting for my turn. 

I just have to keep a positive look. I'm going to get my turn to go to school and I'll be ten times more determined to do great things since I had to wait.

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