Sunday, October 5, 2014

ADHD Month

So here's the thing, It's ADHD Month. I'm pretty sure I've informed you in an earlier post about me graduating high school, that I have ADD. This is Attention Deficit Disorder. This is when I can't pay attention too well. It's the same as ADHD which is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. That is when you not only can't stay focused, but you're also very hyper. October is ADHD Awareness Month.

The reason I'm going over this? In one of my education classes we had a guest speaker come in with ADHD. She was talking about her story and ADHD itself when someone asked a question. I didn't understand the importance of this question until after our speaker had answered it. The question was "What other disorders can go along with ADD/ADHD?"

I was half way interested until I heard the answer. A lot of the thing I had along with ADD... correction: A lot of the disorders that I had that made me feel like I was some messed up freak with all these issues were listed. Suddenly it hit me! I'm not messed up, ADD/ADHD is! It's not my fault I have PMDD! It's not my fault two years ago out of no where I had a panic attack and have had them ever since. That speaker made me realize the truth. I'm not a messed up freak. I'm myself. I'm perfect letting my brain do what it has to do. In that moment, that amazing life changing moment, I cried. I cried tears of joy. Someone finally explained to me and made me believe that I am beautiful the way I am.

So, to all those girls and guys out there with that annoying disorder, don't sweat it. To me, you and you're brain are perfect they way you are. It's okay to get distracted. It's okay to have all of those issues that go along with ADD/ADHD. I like myself with all of my disorders and issues. I like you that way, too. I wouldn't have the world any other way. We are all perfect, just the way God intended us to be.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Milwaukee Trip!

I'm so so so so so sorry It's been so long! Life has been so full of surprises and I haven't been able to get to a computer! Luckily, I'm at one right now and I'm able to post about my Milwaukee trip I've recently taken!


 I was so excited for this trip because even though my boyfriend's parents were present it was the first trip where I went without the school or my parents. My boyfriend and I rarely even saw his parents on this trip so it really gave us a sense of independence and responsibility.

These two photos are the beautiful view we had from the hotel ceiling.

 Now aside from sight seeing we were there on somewhat of a mission. We had traveled there with our local Germania Society to attend German Fest! So we got to experience plenty of culture and My boyfriend Johnny got to be in the parade! 

While he walked around separately, his mom and I enjoyed walking around and shopping in which I was lucky enough to meet my favorite German dirndl designer Erika Neumayer! On top of that, a sweater of her's that I've been eyeballing for about a year she had on sale that day so that was a very thrilling shopping experience.

I was so excited during the parade because I'm a HUGE nut about Volkswagen Beetle's and I'm dying to get my hands on a 1971 Super Beetle convertible in red and I'm sure you can guess what they had in the parade! The passangers were more than happy to stop and wave as I snapped a picture!

Since Johnny has attended the festival every year for many years now, so he wasn't hesitate to show me his favorite hang outs. My favorite about his little tour was eating the buffalo chicken egg-roll's from AJ Bombers! This whole trip was such a wonderful experience! To end the post I think I'll just put a couple hundred photos of Johnny and  I walking around the city!

And you know I've gotta add the selfie with my new sweater at the end!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Growing Up!

This time last year I remember telling my best friend in class that I had started a blog. I was so excited to get started and to see what it would bring me. Now, I'm realizing how much work it takes and that believe it or not, some people i know don't even comprehend what a blogs/vlogs are. I'm happy with how things are going though (except for the fact that somehow I can't keep a computer.) A lot has happened in this year, though. Mostly good. :D

For starters, I graduated high school. Everyone congratulated me and I felt like I deserved it. Why? Well, for most people graduating high school isn't that hard of a task, just one you need to hang in there for. For me, high school was a complicated mess of drama and making sure I made the grade. My ADD scared me passing through high school. I never knew whether it would make it easy or hard. I promised myself in eighth grade that I would graduate with academic honors and I'm proud to say with the help of some good friends and amazing teachers I made the cut. 

I don't think anyone understands how happy I was when they told me I had achieved my goal. I didn't find out until the day of my graduation and I was so ecstatic! I even keep my gold rope and everything on my lower shelf on my night stand. Soon, it'll be hanging in a shadow box in my room.

The next thing was being hit hard by the real world. I was so excited to attend college and socialize. I couldn't wait to make friends and go to classes. It really... well, sucked... when I found out I couldn't go. It was too expensive and I had to take a semester off. It made me so sad to face the cold hard truth that sometimes people can't pursue their dreams as fast as they hope. </3

I am enrolled for my community college this upcoming semester though!

Another thing that happened was, I got my license. It took me a while, but at least I got it!  I was so scared. I was completely fine with driving, it was the instructor that made me nervous! I made it, though! (:

And finally, I got my job. My job made me realize that I don't have to be in school to make friends. I helped me get over my shyness and come out of my shell A LOT! Just last week my friend who works with me and went to high school with me asked what happened to quiet little Emily. I'm pretty sure she's gone and not coming back. I like being able to talk to people and express myself. I just needed to be shown that I can't be scared to show people my personality or me in general.

I've made so many good friends working. I'm literally the happiest when I get to spend my time around those people. I love their company so much it even makes me sad to see the so upset in anyway shape or form.

So a lot has happened and I've had to grow up so much and in so many ways, but I wouldn't take my experiences back for anything! <3

Teachers pay Teachers!

So if I haven't mentioned this yet (I know I haven't been on in forever since I don't really have a Computer) but, I am currently enrolled in classes to withhold my CDA in early childhood education. With that being said and the fact I only have two required classes left until I finish I decided to do a little hunting online.

Among my search, I was able to come across a site called Teachers Pay Teachers. Atfirst I was a little skeptical because I assumed I would have to download the files to even preview them. I was completely wrong.

Teachers Pay Teachers is a site where teachers or graphic designers of some sort may sell things such as designed teacher binders and worksheets.

I can tell you right now, I am addicted. So far, I think I've downloaded the maximum of 10 things in one sitting. You won't regret it!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Not-So-Messy Bun Tutorial!

So sorry I haven't been on lately! I just started school so that combined with work and not having a computer somehow ended with my blog being put on the back burner! BOO! :'(

But now the moment you've all been waiting for and the one I've been dreading...


Sorry the pictures are so blurry.

Just so you get a jist of how long you hair might have to be that's about how long mine is.

You need a hair brush, a teasing comb, a hair elastic, and A LOT of bobby pins.

Pin your bangs away from the rest of your hair that way you can put your hair into a pony tail ontop of your head.

Make sure the pony tail lays at the very top of your head. Flip your head over to help get it high enough.\

Now you can take your bangs out of the clip and start to tease them.

You can either tease or backcomb your hair. I choose to back comb because of how it brushes right out. Teasing is straight up and down and back combing is in a circular motion.

Once your bangs are nice and teased up softly use the teasing comb to smooth them out and pin them back with a couple of bobby pins.

Take small sections from your pony tail and pin them in small loops next to your bun. ONLY DO EACH STRAND ONCE! This will help create that perfect look later on.

Once every strand is pinned up once you can now go back and pin the remaining hair in clusters.

Now that your bun looks as if it's a mile high go ahead and flatten it down by laying your hand down on top of it. Bobby pin all the pieces down so when you let your hand up the look holds.

Spritz on some hair spray and secure those loose ends and you're done! You now know how I do my hair for work! Yay!

I'll post as soon as possible!