Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Teachers pay Teachers!

So if I haven't mentioned this yet (I know I haven't been on in forever since I don't really have a Computer) but, I am currently enrolled in classes to withhold my CDA in early childhood education. With that being said and the fact I only have two required classes left until I finish I decided to do a little hunting online.

Among my search, I was able to come across a site called Teachers Pay Teachers. Atfirst I was a little skeptical because I assumed I would have to download the files to even preview them. I was completely wrong.

Teachers Pay Teachers is a site where teachers or graphic designers of some sort may sell things such as designed teacher binders and worksheets.

I can tell you right now, I am addicted. So far, I think I've downloaded the maximum of 10 things in one sitting. You won't regret it!


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