Thursday, December 19, 2013

Halloween Night!

One week until Christmas and I'm just now posting Halloween, I am so far behind on my posting it's unreal. Halloween was fun and my niece Kirrah even got to wear her Rapunzel wig! Everyone thought she was adorable, unfortunately my niece, Rylee, and nephew, Seth weren't able to join us. We still tried to enjoy the night though (:

Waiting for everyone to cross the street into the neighborhood!

So happy Kirrah posed for a decent picture!

Going up to all the houses to collect her candy.

Believe it or not, this pumpkin was about as tall as Kirrah! It was HUGE! All the kids were posing with it, but Kirrah said she was too scared so she just wanted to "stand back and look at it." At least she she went near it. Haha.

I'm sure I'll post again soon! (:

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