Friday, August 30, 2013

Oktoberfest Fun!

So the weekend of August 23rd-25th was our local Germania Society Oktoberfest! Which makes me happy because my boyfriend (Johnny) and his family belong to the club. His mom is in charge of the pretzel booth.

Johnny and me grabbing a chicken dinner at another booth.

Another reason why to be so happy about that weekend was Johnny's twenty-first birthday! He only had one beer and had a designated driver, don't worry. Some of his friends from outside of the club joined us to celebrate his birthday.  Instead of drinking he and his friends decided to play poker the whole night. Haha. He says he really enjoyed his birthday, though. You can tell by the smile on his face!

We had a blast the whole weekend, but by the last day we we're so warn out from working so hard all weekend long we were so ready to sleep in the next day. It was a great weekend and I can't wait until next year! (:

Bumming It Up!

I have to apologize. I've been such a lazy behind lately. I had to make the very hard decision of not attending school until January. On top of that, I was unable to receive my license. I've been so upset about everything that I haven't even had a single thought about posting or trying to deal with that video. I'm going to start buckling down on myself, though! I will make sure I post a video on YouTube and I post on my blog more! I promise!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Going to Try Out YouTube!

So I'm kinda scared for this, but I think since I've always liked video taping me and my friends doing silly stuff I'll do good with trying out YouTube. Now, notice how I keep using the phrase "trying out." That's because I'm VERY VERY VERY scared this is going to turn out a failure. So please feel free to like any video I post and subscribe to my channel! To be truthful, I watch a lot of the YouTube vloggers and they all kinda inspired me with their channels success that it's at least worth a shot. I'm new to this editing deal, though so I'm going to try to get a simple "boyfriend tag" video out A.S.A.P.

My channel is still under a bit of a makeover but here's the link! Have fun! (:

My New (Used) Car!

Oh boy! It seems like I'm getting a lot of new things doesn't it? Well to be truthful I HAD to get a new car. I start college on the twenty-sixth of August and there's no way I could walk or ride my bike forty-five minutes to school everyday! 

I'm so happy with my car. We bought it last week but due to some issues with how the previous owner dealed with handing over the title to the dealer, we couldn't have picked it up until this Monday. Then you know we kept it at my step dad's work so a police officer could come check if it was stolen or not.

I was finally able to drive my new (used) car home yesterday. My mom and I went around driving it for about an hour to get use to it.

Today, though I got a little help cleaning my car out. I was told she's an expert at windows! My niece loved my car when we picked it up yesterday I thought she'd like to help me wash it which she loved!

She said her favorite part was spraying the hose in the air and making "little rainbows." I love how she's so innocent to the scientific idea of light prisms and such!

Well I should head to bed. I'll talk to you soon!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

New Computer!!!

I got a new computer! Yay me! I'm soooooooooo excited!

"Why?" you ask?

I told myself once I got a new computer I'd start posting more! It's not that easy posting from a iPhone, ya know?

I have some new DIY's to show you guys! They're very basic. IT'll be good for beginners or those with a busy lifestyle.

Along witht that I have another post I'm excited for! It's a hair tutorial. It'll be my first (that's why I'm excited yet nervous) but it's just a simple messy bun kinda deal. I saw it on Pinterest. Unfortunately the girl in the photo posted that it was one of those days where she threw her hair up and it ended looking good. This girl right here found out how to get a similar look, though!

I'll go get to work! Stay Tuned! (: